Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Disember 24, 2011

36 weeks 2 Days

 Baby at 36 Weeks Pregnant

Baby at 36 Weeks PregnantAt 36 weeks pregnant, your baby is now approximately 5.9 pounds. (Isn't it amazing that he or she is almost 6 pounds?) Your little one should be measuring about 18.6 inches or longer from head to heel. 

Your baby is still working on putting on weight during pregnancy week 36. While this may not seem very exciting, keep in mind that this is your baby's primary job from now until he or she is born. 

There is a balance between your baby swallowing and excreting the amniotic fluid that is maintained each and every day. If this balance is not maintained, the amount of fluid in your womb will increase or decrease significantly, causing a condition called polyhydramnios (too much fluid) or oligohydramnios (not enough amniotic fluid).
At 36 weeks pregnant, the level of amniotic fluid in your uterus is relatively constant. Next week, when your baby is full-term, it will begin to steadily decrease. During 36 weeks pregnant, your baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid, and excreting it as urine. 

Space is very limited in the womb at 36 weeks pregnant. Most babies are situated in their birthing position – head down. Your little bundle of joy is spending his or her days with arms and legs folded against his or her body. He or she is waiting to meet you in the next few weeks. 

Lanugo and vernix are being shed at 36 weeks pregnant. As your baby plumps up and gains more weight, he or she doesn't require lanugo or vernix anymore. Many babies are born with smooth skin, but some do have a thin layering of lanugo and vernix. If this is the case, these substances will be shed shortly after delivery. 

Fun Fact:
Your baby's heart still beats faster than yours. At 36 weeks pregnant, your baby's heart beats 110 to 160 beats per minute.
At 36 weeks pregnant, the lungs are structurally developed. If your baby was born early this week, he or she may need help breathing. (Some babies don't need extra help breathing.) Surfactant is being produced in the air sacs of the lungs; this substance keeps the air sacs open when your little one takes the first breath of air. 

Baby Releases a Signal to Trigger Labor
Did you know that some researchers believe your baby actually releases a signal to trigger the onset of labor? 

There are several theories on how baby does this. Some researchers believe that when your baby's brain is completely mature, it sends a signal to the fetal adrenal glands. These glands then start to secrete the hormone cortisol, which may alter the metabolism of estrogen and progesterone, resulting in labor. 

Other researchers have postulated that the fetal lungs secrete signals indicating they are mature, as well as enzymes that result in the release of prostaglandins, which help the cervix ripen and help the uterus to contract. This is highly likely as the body does release prostaglandins around the time of birth. 

Whatever the reason, some full-term babies may arrive earlier than others. Your baby might decide to come into the world next week, and others decide to wait until you're 40 or 41 weeks pregnant. 

Try to be patient. Your baby will soon arrive into the world.

Mom's Changes at 36 Weeks Pregnant

Baby at 36 Weeks PregnantAt 36 weeks pregnant, your uterus is rather huge. You may think that you can't get any bigger, but keep in mind that you have four more weeks until your due date. Your belly will probably get larger in the next month. 

The capacity of a woman's uterus and abdomen to stretch during pregnancy is truly a remarkable phenomenon. At no other time in your life will the body transform at such a rapid rate than in pregnancy. Amazingly that, while it takes nine months for the uterus to stretch to many times its normal size (from the size of a small pear to being able to hold a seven pound baby), by your six-week postpartum checkup, your uterus will already be back to its normal pre-pregnancy size. 

Your uterus continues to crowd your internal organs at 36 weeks pregnant, and you may be ready for the day that your baby drops into your pelvis. For first time pregnant women, "lightening," or the descent of your baby into the pelvis usually occurs a few weeks before labor begins. Your baby might drop this week, or next, or the following week.