Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Disember 24, 2011

36 weeks 2 Days

 Baby at 36 Weeks Pregnant

Baby at 36 Weeks PregnantAt 36 weeks pregnant, your baby is now approximately 5.9 pounds. (Isn't it amazing that he or she is almost 6 pounds?) Your little one should be measuring about 18.6 inches or longer from head to heel. 

Your baby is still working on putting on weight during pregnancy week 36. While this may not seem very exciting, keep in mind that this is your baby's primary job from now until he or she is born. 

There is a balance between your baby swallowing and excreting the amniotic fluid that is maintained each and every day. If this balance is not maintained, the amount of fluid in your womb will increase or decrease significantly, causing a condition called polyhydramnios (too much fluid) or oligohydramnios (not enough amniotic fluid).
At 36 weeks pregnant, the level of amniotic fluid in your uterus is relatively constant. Next week, when your baby is full-term, it will begin to steadily decrease. During 36 weeks pregnant, your baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid, and excreting it as urine. 

Space is very limited in the womb at 36 weeks pregnant. Most babies are situated in their birthing position – head down. Your little bundle of joy is spending his or her days with arms and legs folded against his or her body. He or she is waiting to meet you in the next few weeks. 

Lanugo and vernix are being shed at 36 weeks pregnant. As your baby plumps up and gains more weight, he or she doesn't require lanugo or vernix anymore. Many babies are born with smooth skin, but some do have a thin layering of lanugo and vernix. If this is the case, these substances will be shed shortly after delivery. 

Fun Fact:
Your baby's heart still beats faster than yours. At 36 weeks pregnant, your baby's heart beats 110 to 160 beats per minute.
At 36 weeks pregnant, the lungs are structurally developed. If your baby was born early this week, he or she may need help breathing. (Some babies don't need extra help breathing.) Surfactant is being produced in the air sacs of the lungs; this substance keeps the air sacs open when your little one takes the first breath of air. 

Baby Releases a Signal to Trigger Labor
Did you know that some researchers believe your baby actually releases a signal to trigger the onset of labor? 

There are several theories on how baby does this. Some researchers believe that when your baby's brain is completely mature, it sends a signal to the fetal adrenal glands. These glands then start to secrete the hormone cortisol, which may alter the metabolism of estrogen and progesterone, resulting in labor. 

Other researchers have postulated that the fetal lungs secrete signals indicating they are mature, as well as enzymes that result in the release of prostaglandins, which help the cervix ripen and help the uterus to contract. This is highly likely as the body does release prostaglandins around the time of birth. 

Whatever the reason, some full-term babies may arrive earlier than others. Your baby might decide to come into the world next week, and others decide to wait until you're 40 or 41 weeks pregnant. 

Try to be patient. Your baby will soon arrive into the world.

Mom's Changes at 36 Weeks Pregnant

Baby at 36 Weeks PregnantAt 36 weeks pregnant, your uterus is rather huge. You may think that you can't get any bigger, but keep in mind that you have four more weeks until your due date. Your belly will probably get larger in the next month. 

The capacity of a woman's uterus and abdomen to stretch during pregnancy is truly a remarkable phenomenon. At no other time in your life will the body transform at such a rapid rate than in pregnancy. Amazingly that, while it takes nine months for the uterus to stretch to many times its normal size (from the size of a small pear to being able to hold a seven pound baby), by your six-week postpartum checkup, your uterus will already be back to its normal pre-pregnancy size. 

Your uterus continues to crowd your internal organs at 36 weeks pregnant, and you may be ready for the day that your baby drops into your pelvis. For first time pregnant women, "lightening," or the descent of your baby into the pelvis usually occurs a few weeks before labor begins. Your baby might drop this week, or next, or the following week.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

JaAAtuHHHhh la puLak *-*


Baru ambil kat rumah tok ngah.
Teriak sakan.. Sian Diaa..

Ni Dah Cool skit

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

12 Disember 2008
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trip ke Cameron Hihglands ~ 12 November 2011

Ni Trip adik ke Camen ngan Wan, Tok, Maksu, Mama n Abah,

Seronok !!! Dapat minum tea,  makan jagung..

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

BiiiiiiiiiGgg Gurlllll .. *--*

Batrisyia dah siapkan beg sekolahnyer.. Lega mama. Pampers dah refill (besaq dah pun pakai lagii.. hehehe). Pencil case ada.. Kaler pencil ada. Tuuu yang penting katanya coz esok ejam (exam). Towel dah ada.... "mamaaaaaaa... baju adik p rumah tokngah ja yg  x dak lagi. sat g mama bubuh naaa", katanya.
" OKei dear"

Monday, October 31, 2011

1st Day To School ~ 4 Januari 2011

 Sejuk... Baru lepas Mandi...


 Crying... Teacher Mashitah pujuk..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dalam Kenangan ... Al- Fatihah

Kehilangan yang amat dirasai...
Mak Ngah telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 17 Oktober 2011 setelah 3 bulan  menjalani rawatan di HSB.
& sepanjang tempoh tersebut Pak Ngah setia menemaninya siang dan malam....
Setianya mereka hingga keakhir hayat....
8 hari selapas pemergian Mak Ngah.... Pak Ngah pula kembali ke rahmatullah. 

Pak Ngah membawa diri jauh dari yg lain semasa talkin dibacakan sejurus Makngah selamat dikebumikan..

Thursday, September 15, 2011



What is a Ganglion Cyst?

Ganglion cyst or a bible cyst is a rounded lump, which is generally present on a muscle tendon near a joint. It is typically noticed as a slow growing or static swelling, which is painless and does not cause any functional restriction. Historically, ganglion cysts were treated by hitting them with a bible, and hence the name, “bible cyst“. Except the unsightly appearance, ganglion cysts are completely harmless and have absolutely no propensity of becoming cancerous. A neurofibroma is a similar lump occurring on nerves and has been known for cancerous transformation. Hence, it is very important to know whether one has a ganglion cyst or a neurofibroma.

Ganglion (Cyst) of the Wrist

A wrist ganglion can appear on the A, back (dorsum) of the hand or B, on the underside.
Courtesy of Griffin LY (ed): Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care. 3rd Ed. Rosemont, IL. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2005
Ganglion cysts arise from the capsule of a joint or the sheath of a tendon. They can be found at different places on the wrist. A ganglion cyst that grows on the top of the wrist is called a dorsal ganglion. Others are found on the underside of the wrist between the thumb and your pulse point, at the end joint of a finger, or at the base of a finger. Most of the time, these are harmless and will often disappear in time.
A ganglion cyst contains a thick, clear, mucus-like fluid similar to the fluid found in the joint. No one knows what triggers the formation of a ganglion. Women are more likely to be affected than men. Ganglia are common among gymnasts, who repeatedly apply stress to the wrist.


Wrist ganglion.
Because the fluid-filled sac puts pressure on the nerves that pass through the joint, some ganglion cysts may be painful. Large ganglia, even if they are not painful, are unattractive. Smaller ganglions that remain hidden under the skin (occult ganglions) may be quite painful.
A ganglion grows out of a joint, like a balloon on a stalk. It rises out of the connective tissues between bones and muscles. Inside the balloon is a thick, slippery fluid similar to the fluid in your joints. Usually, the more active the wrist, the larger the cyst becomes. With rest, the lump generally decreases in size.

Your doctor may ask you how long you have had the ganglion, whether it changes in size, and whether it is painful. Pressure may be applied to identify any tenderness. A penlight may be held up to the cyst to see whether light shines through. X-rays may be taken to rule out other conditions, such as arthritis or a bone tumor. Sometimes, an MRI or ultrasound is needed to find a ganglion cyst that is not visible.

Initial treatment is not surgical.
  • Observation. Because the ganglion is not cancerous and may disappear in time, just waiting and watching may be enough to make sure that no unusual changes occur.
  • Immobilization. Activity often causes the ganglion to increase in size. This is because activity increases pressure on nerves, causing pain. A wrist brace or splint may relieve symptoms, letting the ganglion decrease in size. As pain decreases, your doctor may prescribe exercises to strengthen the wrist and improve range of motion.
  • Aspiration. If the ganglion causes a great deal of pain or severely limits activities, the fluid may be drained from it. This procedure is called "aspiration." The area around the ganglion cyst is numbed and the cyst is punctured with a needle so that the fluid drains away.
Nonsurgical treatment leaves the outer shell and the stalk of the ganglion intact, so it may reform and reappear.
The ganglion cyst can be removed through outpatient surgery, but this is no guarantee that the cyst will not grow again. Surgery may also include removing part of the involved joint capsule or tendon sheath. There may be some tenderness, discomfort, and swelling after surgery. Normal activities usually may be resumed two to six weeks after surgery.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Report Card Sayang Abah

Congrate To Sayang Abah!

Ni result Exam Adik untuk 1st Semester 2011..
Nanti Abah akan beli hadiah..

Friday, March 25, 2011

SeDdEeeeY SAngGAtT...

actually  ari nii ada besday selebretiooon kat sekolah adik, de selebration just untuk Bulan Jan - mac jer. So aper lagi oder cupcake jer laa.. Dekonyer kira ok la jugak...
Sian kat BAtrisyia.... Cupcakenyer jatuHHHHHHHH.
 Mama la silap nii. Letak jer Cupcakenye atas seat belakang. Pastu BaWa keta LLLllllajuuuuuu.. Pastuuu Breeekkkk MengeJUUUt  ... Ingatkan sempat liGan Trafik light.. hehehe.. Akibatnyer Cupcake tuu pun TerrrrkKeJutTT..

SemangaT BaRuu.. Hehehe

Tetiba jer teringin nak buat muffin sendiri. Hehehe...
Jangan x tau pulak actually im not a talented person in baking. But Right now my heart is hot with the heat of oven   aDOiiiii... Rase cam nak buat esok jer . Nak bg my mR HubBY n lil gurl makan..
emmm resepi ni dapat kat . Nampak cam simple jer.. hehehe..


MufFin Cokelat

Bahan-bahan ( 10 biji )

  • 200g coklat masakan
  • 70g mentega
  • 2 biji telur
  • 50g gula halus
  • 60g tepung gandum
  • 1 sudu kecil baking powder


  1. Antara bahan-bahan yang diperlukan
  2. Cairkan coklat. Gunakan kaedah "double boiler" .
  3. Kemudian masukkan mentega. Kacau sehingga mentega cair. Selepas tu bolehlah panaskan oven sehingga suhu 170C.
  4. Cara4
    Dalam mangkuk lain, masukkan telur dan gula. Kacau sampai sebati. Tak perlu penaik(kembang).
  5. Masukkan telur ke dalam mangkuk coklat. Kacau biar campuran sebati.
  6. Cara7
    Ayakkan tepung dan baking powder ke dalam mangkuk coklat. Gaul sehingga sebati.
  7. Isikan adunan ke dalam bekas muffin sehingga 1/2 penuh atau 60% penuh. Bakar selama 20 minit.
  8. Selepas masak tu, mungkin muffin ni lembik sikit( sebab hanya sedikit tepung yg digunakan) tapi bila dah sejuk dia akan keras dengan sendiri. Jadi kalau lepas 20 minit tu, masih lembik tak payah bakar semula.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

AbaH p 3 aRi Jaaa nAAA...

 Ba3syia : ' Mama pasai pa mama bawa  
                     keluaq beg baju ma?'
mAMa     : ' Mama nak simpan baju aBah.Kan    
                    abah nak p keja kat Ipoh'
Ba3sYIA : 'AbaH ... abah x payah la p IPOh... 
                    sian Kat adik. sAPA nak teman 
aBah      : ' adik..Abah Kena p keJA. abah p 
                   sat ja na. 3 hari ja'
Ba3sYIA : 'uuwWWWaaaaaaaaa..............'

Abah duk pujuk Ba3syia...

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Lunch @ Mid Valley. Ok la  not so bad. n then  bawa si kecil naik komuter. FULL.  Batrisyia tanyer  ' mama naper semua berdiri  naik train. Ari tu adik naik semua duduk.' Hehehe . ni KL la adik bukan Alor Setar. Stop @ KL SENTRAL.  Then Naik LRT ke KLCC.
Baru la dapat duduk. Fuuuuuhhhh. Lega ..
Sampai jer KLCC Batrisyia punyer la suka..  Lompat sana lompat sini ++ lari2 . Tup2 Jatuh. hehehe sian adik.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Malacca Tour


Amazing  Malacca !! No wonder la  dapat Melaka Maju 2010.  Macam2 rupanyer ada kat Sini.
Menara Taming Sari, Duck Tour, River Cruise. Becca.
Best sangat.  Our tourist guide merangkap driver becca ramah orangnyer. x la penat jalan .. hehehe
Batrisyia la paling seronok coz boleh duk kat  ' Otel '.

@ Kota A Farmosa

Monday, January 03, 2011

Mama Little Helpers

Senang mama la ni dah ada little maid yang sudi membantu.. hehehe. Pantang nampak mama lipat baju, cepat jer Batrisyia sampai.. Nak bantu la konon.
x pe  yang penting kurang la sikit mama lipat baju.  Thanx dear !!
